Month: June 2014


World’s Fastest Walkers

According to a study measuring the pace of life of cities in 32 countries, people in the biggest hurry live here in Singapore. We walk 60 feet in 10:55 seconds, compared to 12:00 seconds for New Yorkers and 31:60 seconds for those living in the African city of Blantyre, Malawi.

Discover the surprising connections between Jacob and Jesus

More than a millennium separates Jacob, the father of Israel, and Jesus, the promised Savior. Let’s study one such link between Jacob and Jesus—snakes. Pull up a chair and be a part of the conversation.

diamond in the rough

Michael Dettlaff’s visit to Arkansas’ Crater of Diamonds State Park in 2013 turned out to be one gem of a trip! The 12-year-old ended up leaving its confines with a truly precious stone. The park, where visitors can dig up and keep jewels, has given up more than 75,000 diamonds since it was discovered in 1906. Michael’s glittering find was a whopping 5.16 carats, much to the delight of his whole family. He named the diamond, valued at nearly $15,000, “God’s Glory.”

Those knuckle-dragging troglodytes!–Jim’s Story

For many, proof of God’s existence can be found in majestic mountains or breathtaking sunsets. While Jim loved creation, just the thought of a Creator filled him with frustration and anger. Learn how God revealed His love to Jim during a potentially deadly mountain hike. Find out more of what the Bible says about “What If…

Forgotten Memories

Recently, a friend from my youth emailed me a picture of our junior high track team. The grainy black-and-white snapshot showed a vaguely familiar group of teens with our two coaches. I was instantly swept back in time to happy memories of running the mile and the half-mile in track meets. Yet even as I enjoyed remembering those days, I found myself thinking about how easily I had forgotten them and moved on to other things.

Discover how God can transform our identities

Names can stick with us for years. Perhaps you’ve had labels, nicknames, or reputations haunt you since childhood. Let’s study why Jacob’s name made him an unlikely participant in God’s sovereign plan. Our study of Jacob continues.

hit the cymbals!

In an instructional video, Neil Percy, lead percussionist for the London Symphony Orchestra, demonstrates the proper technique for holding cymbals to generate the the loudest noise possible. He begins by holding the cymbals vertically just below his waist. He clashes them together while moving them skyward. Then he ends with both hands extended over his head, the cymbals reverberating joyfully in the air above him. The biggest strokes on the cymbals, he says, might be used in a symphony “[at] the heights of a crescendo, or the combination of a really big stream of notes.”

A psalm of my own, as inspired by Psalm 23

Psalm 23:1-6 The Lord is my Shepherd, my High Priest, and King. He supplies all that I need—everything. (Psalm 23:1) He makes me lie down and rest in safe places. He leads me to calm and reviving spaces. (Psalm 23:2) My soul is refreshed and restored to its whole. For His name’s […]

Meet Shrek

Shrek was a renegade sheep. He went missing from his flock and remained lost for 6 years. The person who found him living in a cave on a high and rugged place in New Zealand didn’t recognize him as a sheep. “He looked like some biblical creature,” he said. In a way, he was. Shrek was a picture of what happens to sheep who become separated from their shepherd.

God’s mysterious way of working out His amazing plan!

We know that God has a plan for us. But how He accomplishes that plan can often leave us scratching our heads! If the life of Jacob tells us anything, it’s that those confusing events are all part of God’s amazing plan!

the one who sees

I recently stumbled across an online thread titled “I Am So Freaking Tired of Being Hurt.” It’s part of a website that invites people to share difficult life experiences such as battling cancer or facing a marriage crisis.


A recent study that I read concluded that smiling can be good for your health. Research shows that smiling slows down the heart and reduces stress.

Discover how what looks like favoritism is actually a sovereign plan to bless the entire world

There is an entire nation of individuals identified in Scripture as “God’s chosen people.” But where did this divine favoritism come from? Let’s go back to the origins of Israel, and God’s promises to His people.


Standing near the body of his older brother, his pain was visible. Adding to the weight of death was the knowledge that their relationship had been the closest thing he’d ever known to that of a father and son. His brother had always said, “I love you,” whenever they parted. But the differences in their lives, the jagged edges of their arguments, and the absence of true intimacy left this grieving man wondering if his love was real.

The Kite’s Master

When Jesus preached during His earthly ministry, He made frequent use of parables—short stories teaching a useful lesson—and people would eagerly listen. A few days ago, I was reminded of this when an interesting story came up in discussion. “There was once a boy who loved his kite very much. One […]

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